Soundbox | Intervención en un andamio urbano
Premio: FAD 2005 Espacios Efímeros | Arquitectura efímera (instalación)
Arquitectos: Rubens Cortés, Javier Castellano
Artistas: Joaquín Casanova, Elisa Ramos
Esta obra escultórica está construida con materiales puramente arquitectónicos como son la chapa de acero y Madera. Las características estéticas y conceptuales de este espacio efímero ofrecen como resultado una capa diseñada para generar resonancias acústicas dentro del entorno urbano. La reminiscencia acústica que ofrecen los materiales utilizados y la conceptualización del sonido, permiten generar distintas formas de comportamiento artístico.
Esta pieza se sitúa en un espacio sin resolver, existente en medio de un andamio, en el centro histórico de la ciudad de Granada.
Esta obra escultórica está construida con materiales puramente arquitectónicos como son la chapa de acero y Madera. Las características estéticas y conceptuales de este espacio efímero ofrecen como resultado una capa diseñada para generar resonancias acústicas dentro del entorno urbano. La reminiscencia acústica que ofrecen los materiales utilizados y la conceptualización del sonido, permiten generar distintas formas de comportamiento artístico.
La Caja de Resonancia está formada por una doble piel; la exterior consiste en una chapa metálica perforada. El peso aparente de esta escultura especial, situada en el vacío central del andamio, contrasta con la ligereza y la elevación que se pretende alcanzar en su interior. Se convierte en un contenedor escénico en el que, mediante la luz y el sonido, surge el objeto materializado. La piel interior de esta pieza está constituida por un mosaico de perforaciones en círculos de dimensiones diferentes, que dotan de ligereza la pieza al dejar filtrar la luz. La estructura metálica conforma una cámara de aire capaz de albergar en su interior los dispositivos necesarios de luz artificial y sonido.
Los cerramientos norte y sur, así como el pavimento de la caja, son en realidad puertas abatibles de grandes dimensiones, que responden a una doble función: mejorar el tránsito peatonal durante el día, abriéndose y plegándose hasta formar un pasaje perpendicular a la dirección del andamio.
This piece is situated in an unresolved void in the middle of scaffolding in the historic centre of the city of Granada.
This work of sculpture is built from purely architectural materials such as steel sheeting and wood. The aesthetic and conceptual characteristics of this ephemeral space produce as a result a box designed to generate an acoustic resonance within the urban environment. The acoustic reminiscence provided by the materials used and the conceptualisation of the sound permits generating different forms of artistic performances.
The Sound Box is formed by a double skin, the external one consisting of perforated metal sheeting. The apparent weight of this spatial sculpture situated in the central void of the scaffolding contrasts with he lightness and elevation that it is sought to achieve inside it. It becomes a scenic container in which the object is embodied by means of light and sound. The inner skin of this piece is constituted by a mosaic of perforations in circles of differing dimensions that give the piece lightness by allowing light to filter through. The metallic structure shaes an air chamber capable of housing the necessary artificial light and sound devices.
The north and south enclosures, together with the floor of the box, are in reality folding doors of large dimensions that have a double function: improving pedestrian raffic during the day, with the boc closed, and allowing trucks into the refurbishment works during the night, as it opens and folds until it forms a perpendicular passage.
The natural light, which is not controlled by man, is called Source. During the day it filters through the perforations to flood the entire interior, while at night the box emanates light outwards the urban environment. The space has been conceived as a sanctuary or a bath in the Alhambra that recalls an Al-Quibla, a clear example of the close relationship between prayer and bathing. During the night, th eraffic of vehicles near the outer doors produces an infinite variety of light emissions: headlamps, indicator lights,, the vehicles´ interior lights, traffic lights... The design of the conical holes -at a rate of 1.5-2.5, 2.5-5 and 5-10- and their new layout cause the light to br captured inside and offered to the observer as flashes that vibrate on the plane like in a register panel of city lights. It is here where it acquires irs most contemporary image.
The sounds is produced inside it by means of speakers concealed between the mental shetting and the wood.
So linked to mankind is the need to understand the cause that produces the sound effect that when this connection is unknown we turn it into magic and superstition.